Programs and Initiatives

Green Raiteros: Electric Vehicle, Rural, Ride-Share Program
The LEAP Institute supports Green Raiteros, a ride-share resource for farmworkers and low-income families to safely access important destinations, such as doctor visits or social service appointments. This is a preferred alternative to public transportation as passengers arrive to their destination comfortably, safely and on-time. The Green Raiteros program consists of a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs), EV infrastructure at the Romualdo M. and Imelda C. Leon Community and Mobility Center in Huron, CA including a pair of DC fast chargers on Fresno’s west side located at the Food Maxx parking lot, as well as a dispatcher and coordinator that keep operations running smoothly.

The LEAP Institute is conducting a Transportation Needs Assessment (TNA) for various communities, cities and counties through out the state of California. Contact us for assistance. Thus far we have completed TNA’s in the census designated population of Kettleman City in Kings County, Mecca in Riverside County, Pajaro in Monterey County and currently working with the CITY OF COACHELLA (CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF COACHELLA!). The Goal is to assess the transportation needs for low-income and other community members who do not have access to a personal mode of transportation.

Huron X Nature Conservancy (HxNC)
The LEAP Institute is working with the National Park Services, West Hills Community College District and the Fresno County Council of Governments to assess the feasibility of creation of a nature conservancy on 3,000 acres of land just north of the city of Huron, California. This region is one of the poorest areas in the state. The census tract is more than 51% ‘park deficient’. HxNC can be a solution for many elements of the area’s needs including: underground aquifer recharge, carbon sequestration, employment, youth science education, health promoting activities, as well as becoming an economic benefit to the local economies.

Healthy Kings County Initiative (aka, Kings IVAN)
IVAN (Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods) is an environmental monitoring system that connects the community with real people that can help solve local environmental problems. Kings IVAN is a part of the Healthy Kings County Campaign and is managed and supported by The LEAP Institute. Go to WWW.IVAN-KINGS.ORG to report environmental violations in Kings County or call (559) 851-5327!

AB 617: Community Air Protection Program
California AB 617 Community Air Grants program provides support for community-based organizations to become active partners with state agencies to identify, evaluate, and ultimately work towards eliminating air pollution in disproportionately impacted communities. LEAP’s Community Air Protection Program consists of 33 air quality monitors located throughout Fresno and Kings counties. The project includes the engagement and recruitment of community residents, leaders, CBO’s, school districts and local elected officials which form the Community Steering Committee that serves to provide on-the-ground expertise to improve the air quality of the region.